Top 50 interview questions related to JavaScript


50 interview questions related to JavaScript (JS)

  1. What is JavaScript?
  2. What is the difference between JavaScript and Java?
  3. What are the different data types in JavaScript?
  4. What are the different data structures in JavaScript?
  5. What is an object in JavaScript?
  6. What is a function in JavaScript?
  7. What is the difference between a function declaration and a function expression in JavaScript?
  8. What is a closure in JavaScript?
  9. What is the difference between var, let, and const in JavaScript?
  10. What is hoisting in JavaScript?
  11. What is scope in JavaScript?
  12. What is event bubbling in JavaScript?
  13. What is event capturing in JavaScript?
  14. What is the difference between event bubbling and event capturing in JavaScript?
  15. What is the event loop in JavaScript?
  16. What is asynchronous programming in JavaScript?
  17. What are promises in JavaScript?
  18. What is async/await in JavaScript?
  19. What is the difference between null and undefined in JavaScript?
  20. What is the this keyword in JavaScript?
  21. What is the bind method in JavaScript?
  22. What is the call method in JavaScript?
  23. What is the apply method in JavaScript?
  24. What is an arrow function in JavaScript?
  25. What is the spread operator in JavaScript?
  26. What is the rest parameter in JavaScript?
  27. What is destructuring in JavaScript?
  28. What is the typeof operator in JavaScript?
  29. What is the instanceof operator in JavaScript?
  30. What is the in operator in JavaScript?
  31. What is the loop in JavaScript?
  32. What is the for...of loop in JavaScript?
  33. What is the map method in JavaScript?
  34. What is the reduce method in JavaScript?
  35. What is the filter method in JavaScript?
  36. What is the forEach method in JavaScript?
  37. What is the find method in JavaScript?
  38. What is the some method in JavaScript?
  39. What is the every method in JavaScript?
  40. What is the sort method in JavaScript?
  41. What is the concat method in JavaScript?
  42. What is the slice method in JavaScript?
  43. What is the splice method in JavaScript?
  44. What is the push method in JavaScript?
  45. What is the pop method in JavaScript?
  46. What is the unshift method in JavaScript?
  47. What is the shift method in JavaScript?
  48. What is the includes method in JavaScript?
  49. What is the indexOf method in JavaScript?
  50. What is the lastIndexOf method in JavaScript?

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